Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Homeschool Freebie Website

There's a new homeschool freebie website! It's found here and they offer a new downloadable freebie each day of the week. Be sure to check daily because the item is only available for free that ONE DAY (except for Friday's freebie - it's available all weekend.)

Today's is a candy math book. Sounds yummy!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weeks #11 and #12 Review

We've had a nice 2 week break from our school schedule. But the boy's brain certainly doesn't stop working! Yesterday he opened his Bible while he waited for dinner to be served and said, "Look Daddy, this word says in-tro-duc-tion." Of course he was right. Today he told me I was going the wrong way on the highway because he saw one of those signs that says "wrong way." I always remember as a kid thinking those were for my side of the road because they were where I could read them. But not at 3.5!

He was reading in his Little Bear book and at the end of each page he would say "so..." and recap what had just happened on that page in his own words. That was really encouraging because it's hard for us to know if he's comprehending what he's reading when he reads it himself.

So while we'll most likely get back into the swing of things tomorrow, we'll just follow his lead on what he's interested in. He takes in the world in his own way and in his own time and amazes us more each day!