As a general note, I got the wish list up earlier this week. So leave me feedback about any of the items you’re familiar with if you’re so inclined It’s in the right margin and I’ve included links to each item.
This has been a good week. It started on Sunday with Matthew asking as soon as we got home from church if he could please do school. It ended today with him saying “Can we do MOOOOORE school please?” when we finished for the day. It’s definitely nicer when the week goes like that!
In science we were learning about summer and therefore focusing on the sun. So for our craft we made a sun out of Matthew's handprints. The girls LOVED it and want to touch it and hold it every time they're in the kitchen where it hangs on the fridge. I guess it's all the yellow
During his skating class this week he got to play hockey again. He had an absolute MELTDOWN when his teacher removed the net from the ice so the public skating session could start. He skated almost the entire length of the ice to get down to it and then right before he got to it she took it off the ice, then told me to go to the door back at the other end of the ice so he'd have to skate all the way back. I felt so bad for him, but he certainly did get extra skating practice.
By Friday, we typically only have a few books to work on because on certain days he’s wanted to go ahead in books or whatever. So today I put the four books we needed to work in on the counter and told him to choose which ones he wanted to do and then we’d do the rest later. He picked all of them except one – the reading book. We’ve both pretty much loathed this book for the past 5 weeks. He doesn’t enjoy reading it, it’s really beneath his ability, plus there are no pictures and the stories make no sense to him because they all try to use smaller words to convey the story. He just doesn’t enjoy it at all. I had been holding out hope that it might get harder as the weeks went on, but so far, it hasn’t.
So today, realizing we still had TWENTY weeks to go in the book, I flipped to the very last lesson and realized it was still stuff he could read now. So I made an executive decision to scrap that book. I picked another book from his pile of readers and he flew through it and asked if we could do more! That was music to my ears. So starting Monday we’ll just move on to the book that’s scheduled for week 25. I’m hoping by the time we get to the end of his readers that he currently has that I’ll have saved up enough money to get Sonlight’s Core P3/4 and then he’ll have plenty more books to fill up the holes in the schedule.
And as you’ll recall, we started Math a week ago today. One would assume we’d be on or around Lesson 6, correct? (last Friday, then 5 days this week). Nope. We’re on Lesson 18. And we’d be farther but today after 7 lessons in a row with him just continually asking for more I had to tell him LAST ONE. Horizons is definitely a colorful curriculum and I think that makes it more fun for him. I know some kids would be distracted by that, but it’s definitely a plus for him. So I had to adjust all of next week's schedule after today because we wouldn't have any math otherwise!
Anyway, I’ll end this insanely long post and try to enjoy my weekend. Hope you do the same!
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