Friday, March 21, 2008

Week #2 Review

Matthew had another good week this week. He enjoyed working ahead a little bit in his Developing the Early Learner workbook and Get Set for School. We skipped a few pages in Get Set for School because he was getting tired of just coloring. Since crayons don't really interest him all that much, I didn't want him to dread working in that book (since handwriting readiness is where he's the most behind) so I just put some of the coloring on hold. Today he did preparation for learning to write the letter "L" (i.e., practiced writing horizontal and vertical lines - legs on birds, bottoms of bird cages, etc.) He enjoyed the break from coloring, even if he can't draw a straight line

His favorite part of the week was by far his P.E. on Wednesday. At his skating class they broke out the hockey sticks, pucks and net. He had a BLAST and very easily stayed up on his skates. When the lesson was over, they let him stay out there and play as long as he wanted. His teacher even took the girls out on the ice in the stroller! He had the whole rink to himself. It really made me wish there were more stay at home moms that could help me out with the girls so I could have let him stay longer. But the girls are so restless just during his 30-minute lesson and this was time beyond that, so we really didn't get to stay long.

He also enjoyed getting out in nature and helping daddy cut the grass. Daddy didn't like how much longer it took to do it, but DID enjoy the time with his son.

He's doing much better at recognizing the punctuation in sentences when he reads. He's not just "saying the words" anymore, but really telling a story with them. He even puts expression into some of the sentences. For instance, if it said, "Is Matthew happy? Matthew is not happy," he would read the first correctly as a question and then put an emphasis on NOT in the second sentence. He likes to yell when he sees an exclamation point

We didn't get to do a lot of extra activities this week as it's been a very rough week sleep-wise with the girls. But we're going to try to incorporate more crafts and things (if mom can get creative, that is!)

Today we're going to do a little extra focus on Good Friday and Easter and the meaning of it all. If I didn't have such a horrible headache from a lack of sleep, we'd probably try an Easter lapbook of some kind (he loved the one we made for Christmas), but I don't think either one of us has the patience for that today!

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